Learn Samatha Buddhist Meditation At Home
Although it is best to learn Samatha Meditation in a group, face-to-face in a physical location, we do offer opportunities for people to learn online.
If you are interested in learning Samatha Meditation online there are currently two options:
1 - Zoom classes taken by a range of experienced meditation teachers, giving daily, weekly or weekend classes tailored to individual needs - at various times in the week, starting at different times in the year, and lasting for a different number of weeks. These classes also provided individual advice and guidance during one-to-one sessions.
If you are interested and would like to learn more please follow the link below and fill in the online form:
2 - A 30-week Moodle based course, which runs from early October to June. Although it is preferable to start in October, it is also possible to join a little later.
Using a comprehensive range of written and audio material, the course leads you through the stages of Samatha and introduces aspects of theory that are helpful in guiding the practice. Also includes weekly one-to-one feedback on your practice.
There is no need to be online at any specific time during the week, other than for the one-to-one discussion, though there is the option of also being in a weekly Zoom class and group meditation on Thursdays at 7.30pm.
To find out more, including how to register for the course, contact the course leader, Peter Harvey: b.peter.harvey@gmail.com