
Samatha meditation has been taught and practiced in Oxford for over 40 years and there are groups meeting in various parts of Oxford and Oxfordshire. There are currently three classes suitable for beginners: Oxford University, New Marston and Abingdon.
Classes are friendly, include time for informal discussion and last around two hours. There is no charge for teaching, although we ask for donations to cover costs.
Oxford University Class
Mondays at 7:30pm during Oxford University term time.
The Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
Everyone, whether associated with Oxford University or not, is very welcome. You may join a class at any time. No need to book - just turn up to the class and give it a go.
Contact: Melissa melissa.lever@gmail.com
New Marston Class
Tuesdays, term-time 7.15 - 8.45pm, September - March
New Marston Scout Hall, 238 Marston Road, Oxford
For details please contact: amberkhatch@gmail.com
Classes in Abingdon are currently on hold but please enquire at abingdonsamatha@gmail.com if you'd like to hear when they restart.
What will I learn?
Samatha means calm. Over a period, we gradually learn how to use the breath to calm the body and mind (and learn a lot about how our minds work in the process). This meditation is a form "Mindfulness of Breathing" and the technique taught in stages over the weeks.
Will I have to sit cross-legged on the floor?
You are encouraged to find a meditation posture that is comfortable for you whether that is sitting on cushions on the floor or on a chair. Looser clothing helps, and please bring a cushion (or rolled up sleeping bag) if you want to try sitting on the floor.