Manchester Centre for Buddhist Meditation
Just like a deep lake,
Clear and undisturbed,
The wise grow peaceful
On hearing the teachings.
(Dhammapada verse 82)
Samatha means calm
Samatha meditation is an effective but gentle way of training the mind to develop inner strength and freedom from turmoil, leading on to clarity and understanding.
This path from calm to insight was followed by the Buddha himself and is a central tradition of Buddhist meditation. There are many kinds of Samatha meditation techniques: this one is based on attention to the breath, a subject which is said to be suitable for all types of people.
Weekly Classes for Beginners 2024*
Meditation classes for beginners take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings at 7.30 pm. Sunday evening at 7.00 pm.
Monday 7.30 pm
Tuesday 7.30 pm
Wednesday 7.30 pm
Sunday 7.00 pm
New meditators are welcome to join a class at any time.
For more information regarding classes, please e-mail: mcr-classes@samatha.org
A particular feature of this form of meditation practice is the opportunity to have regular one-to-one meetings with the teacher to discuss individual practice and so aid progress. Classes are friendly and include time for informal discussion. Refreshments are usually included. If you are coming to a class for the first time, please arrive 15 minutes before the class starts for some initial guidance.
Classes run throughout the year with breaks for Christmas, Easter and summer.
For those who have completed all the stages of the meditation practice there are other groups and study courses available.
Tuesday online meditation - we offer a weekly online drop-in meditation session with an emphasis on well-being, Tuesday 2 pm. No previous experience is required; please check our Facebook page for the weekly link.
What will I learn?
The meditation practice has a number of stages to help gradually train the mind. In the Samatha tradition, the breath is the usual basis of the meditation practice. The stages of the practice are taught individually and progressively. Besides the meditation technique, some theory to support the development of the practice is also introduced.
By regular daily practice, the qualities of mindfulness and concentration develop and strengthen. The chattering, unruly mind gradually becomes calmer and develops clarity, encouraging the development of insight. The way our mind works becomes less confusing to us and we begin to understand the habits of mind that hold us back from happiness and freedom. We become kinder to ourselves and those around us. Meditation is a practical matter: increased awareness brings an ability to make the most of ourselves in our daily lives.
What does it cost?
It's up to you! We rely entirely on your donations to pay for the upkeep and running costs of the centre and to keep classes running, so please give what you can. Teachers give their time free of charge.
Everyone is welcome to join us on the second Sunday of the month for Puja and Paritta chanting held at the centre at 11am. This is an opportunity to join in, listen to and experience Buddhist chanting.
Will I have to sit cross-legged on the floor?
You are encouraged to find a meditation posture that is comfortable for you, whether that is sitting on cushions or on a chair. Though not absolutely necessary, looser clothing is an advantage.
Do I have to be a Buddhist?
Not at all, the practice is open to anyone, whether you have a religious belief or not.
The Manchester Centre for Buddhist Meditation is located in Chorlton:
21 High Lane,
Chorlton - cum - Hardy,
M21 9DJ
Contact us
For general enquiries email:mcrinfo@samatha.org
Tel: 0161 860 4716 *
Keep up to date with activity at the centre on Facebook
*Please note the above phone number has recently been out of order and no voice mail could be left. The issue has now been resolved. We apologise for the inconvenience.
About us
The Manchester Centre for Buddhist Meditation Trust is a registered charity, no.1176625. The Manchester Centre is owned by the Samatha Trust, a registered charity which fosters practice and study in the Samatha-Vipassanā tradition, no. 1179867.
The Trust incurs costs in maintaining the fabric of the building and paying for day-to-day expenses of maintaining and caring for the Manchester Centre.
We have developed a variety of ways of offering the meditation practice, including chanting, theory groups and other activities online.
We are all warmly invited to continue to support Samatha activities in Manchester.
To donate to the Manchester Centre for Buddhist Meditation Trust, please click on the button below.
You will be taken to our online donations provider, peoplesfundraising.com.